Rooflines PVC Curved Gutter

Rooflines PVC Curved Gutter

Having trouble finding plastic curved gutter? We make, supply Nationwide including the Isle of Man and Channel Islands – Now extended to supply to Eire and Europe.
We can, in certain areas arrange fitting.

Rooflines has developed the answer with Curved Gutter in PVCu manufactured to the shape of your existing or new curved roof. In half round 112mm or a smaller 65mm section to suit any length or shape of curve. Lengths up to 6metres in Black – White or Grey.

For the Commercial sector, we can also provide a larger capacity curved PVC 150mm Half Round Gutter.

Curved Gutter to bow windows was an architectural feature typically from the Victorian era; the Gutter was manufactured as all major gutter was – in Cast Iron.

You can still obtain Cast iron gutter today, but only in straight lengths or specially made curves but only in short lengths (only in aluminium short lengths). Today’s replacement gutter is Plastic, but, again, it is in straight lengths.

So if you have that bow window, small or large, whatever radius, we can mould the Half Round Gutter to any curve or shape including as we show a ‘drop’ curved gutter.

Curved Gutter on bay window

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Thanks again for your generous guttering gift.

Elinor Voisin, Snr Designer Maker, Eden Project

Thanks again for your generous guttering gift.”

Elinor Voisin, Snr Designer Maker, Eden Project

Eden Project Curved Gutter Donation
Eden Project Curved Gutter

Send us an image so we can suggest the best options. Click on the enquiry button below to upload your image.

  • A unique supplier in the UK of curved PVC guttering using state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment not available anywhere else in the UK.
  • Guttering is made to order to fit ANY curved roofline.
  • Choice of colours to match existing gutter line.
  • Made of rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for durability. An industry-standard – half round 112mm width in lengths of 2-5, and 3-5 metre lengths (for Commercial applications – 150mm Half-Round in lengths up to 6 metres).
  • We also have a special small section curved gutter moulding at 65mm for small bays up to 2metres linear length.

Any colour or length – Black/White/even Brown (RAL colours)

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Commercial Projects are Nationwide for Curved Guttering

Curved gutter commercial project
Curved guttering Surrey
Curved gutter Surrey

We’ve been supplying curved guttering since 2002 – white curved gutter and new tiled roof and new black guttering installation below: