Rooflines Veranda Blinds – 4m x 2.5m


Need more shade? Manual blinds for your veranda.

We offer 3 shades of manual blind that can be ordered with your veranda: white, cream, and beige. Please note that your blinds are only available if ordered at the same time as your veranda so we ensure the fittings are perfect. Please add a veranda to your cart before ordering blinds.  Our blind status says ‘in stock’. Please note that we only order binds per order so they are matched. The lead time for blinds is approximately 3-4 weeks.

SKU: BLINDS-4M-2.5M Category:


Manual blinds that perfectly fit your veranda are available at £59.00 per metre square incorporated with your order. These are made to order and fit easily to the underside of the veranda. A 4m x 2.5m veranda measures 10m squared. If you are unsure what to order, then please get in touch.

The Veranda blinds are Manually operated and we provide three colour shades (Cream, Beige, White). These blinds are easy to fit later (retrofit) too if you find you need more shade (please note the price quoted is only available if you order blinds at the same time you order your veranda).

Additional information

Rooflines Veranda Blinds

Beige 4m x 2.5m, Cream 4m x 2.5m, White 4m x 2.5m

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